August 20th, 2014 by

Lawton Networks, Inc. or LNI Business Technology Management (LNI-BTM.COM)

Has a new look and branding. You may have noticed over time we have rebranded our look a little bit. For some time you have seen Lawton Networks, Inc. on our shirts and cards and old website. We decided that we wanted to shorten the email address which I am sure most will be happy with, and we are also. Our main purpose in rebranding our name was to explain our concept in what we do for our clients, Business Technology Management (BTM). Our concept of BTM is the process of being the valued resource our client calls on for technology in their business. We may not provide that service, but we know, or will find that service for them. Now we provide many services for our clients and this is easily found on our website, but there are many applications for local installation and cloud based, specialized hardware vendors, internal building needs, and more. This is where we excel, we think outside the box and tap all our resources to come to the conclusion our clients are looking for, Success!

We like to express to our clients that we are not just their trusted advisor, but there business partner.

Greg Lawton

